Wednesday, April 20, 2005

just in cases

the three little saxes retire to their respective cases - until they're next called upon...

in the big oblong case on the left lies Clyde, the tenor. In the GIG-bag moulded case baby Yani, the alto reclines - and in its original shaped case at the back is the c-melody with its neck & mouthpiee in front of it.

ready to pick up & play

they quiver in anticipation, just waiting to be picked up and fondled!
doesn't it make you want to grab them?

my saxophamily

and another view...

OOO! bella!!! - belles of saxophony

the sax bells - left to right again we have;
alto, c-mel, tenor
(alto's called Yan, c-mel is still awaiting a name, tenor's called Clyde!)

my saxes!

from left to right;

alto saxophone Yanagisawa 00157838
c-melody saxophone King 50379
tenor saxophone Trevor James T1266

photo taken by Liz, in her loft-bedroom