Families - comparing another "family" instrument with the sax.

the recorder family, with which I'm familiar (some hangers-on in this famous Praetorius picture, like those pesky little flutes for example) is in the image above - they're renaissance ones - they've got the "pepperpot" bit near the base.
from bass up (fingerings alternate between C & F, Descant is C, Treble is F), they are...
Subcontra bass/Great Bass : Contra Bass : Bass : Tenor : Treble/Alto : Descant/Soprano : Sopranino : Garklein : Piccolino Recorder (as the 20th century re-invention of it by Twaalfhoven is called. VERY squeakity indeed!)
the saxophone family - with a handy height chart that does make them look a little like they're in a cop-movie ID-Parade! Sax (old Adolphe) conceived of saxes as being a family instrument - and here's the nuclear(ish) ones...
From bass up...
Contrabass (Eflat) : Bass (Bflat) : Baritone (Eflat) : Tenor (Bflat) : C "melody" : Alto (Eflat) : Soprano (Bflat) : Sopranino (Eflat)
there is a weenier one - the Soprillo, presumably designed to cut concrete from a distance.