Thursday, January 13, 2005

feeding-back-time at the zoo

well, Kayleigh and Frances were amused by the idea of their teacher taking Grade 1 - albeit on a different instrument. Kayleigh's due to do her piano Grade 1 in summer, and Frances'll probably do her violin Grade 2 then too. Don't know if they really believed me!
My pupils probably all think I'm positively sectionable anyway -
might be the dalmation violin,
or the zebra viola,
maybe the turquoise & purple bow,
or the fact that many of them now have music-books that look like an explosion in the art-materials section of Woolies...
...who knows?

I've been experimenting with the picture-posting-picassa thingy - so you can see the resplendant glory of the Grade-1-a-thon logo (well, you could if it had come out even a leeeeetttle bit bigger, but I'm sure you get the idea). None of the instruments popping out jauntily from behind the oversized numeral were recoloured by DTP and no instruments have been harmed in the making of this picture.

Evidence of this Blog's actually being read has rushed to a solid trickle now - with the lovely Rachel Nunson (nee Collinson, [ I love doing the "nee" thing, don't you? so pythonesque, with a lovely bouquet of superfluity & warming notes of pedantry infused with precision ] ) actually having posted a comment!
How excited was I by that?
Nearly as excited as I am by the prospect of going to a sax-shop
[read carefully children] tomorrow.

It's coming to the end of another day at the office... but I'm sure I'll blob another log in the blog before midnight strikes & my laptop turns into a pumpkin.


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